This project was created and is being created with the help of my loved ones, my family, friends, but also many kind people, whom I had the opportunity to meet on my journey searching for these individual stories.
My heartfelt thanks belongs to all of you. EXODUS.REPORT might never have seen the light of day, and the stories of those who gave me their trust would remain unheard without your willingness, patience and help.
Martin, Ondrej Jelínek, Lenka Hamšíková, Juraj Hudák (plexcore s.r.o.), Maryna Syrovatka, Nataliya Babichenko, Jana Gemeranová Štulajterová, Ivana Mazancová, Petra Kollerová (Studienka), Gabriel Tóth (Camp Žilina), Pavol Bobošík (chata Trubárka), Ivan Bulík (Inovecká chata), Sofiia Yatsenko, brat Zachej a brat Martin, Eli Horsáková, Katarina a Tom Skladony.
Thank you!
Please help!
During the project, I saw a large number of determined volunteers, individuals and organizations helping out. They too need help, especially financial one. If you can, please help: SK15 8330 0000 0020 0218 8560
Camp Žilina: SK79 0900 0000 0051 8803 6306,
Inovecká chata: SK61 0900 0000 0050 2931 0195 GIBASKBX
Petra Kollerová: SK24 0900 0000 0051 7122 0115 (do poznámky prosím uveďťe "Dar pre Ukrajincov v Studienke")
Azylový dom BUBO: SK45 0900 0000 0051 8859 3698
Františkánsky kláštor Pruské - Centrum pomoci: SK88 0200 0000 0045 6929 6756 (DAR PRE UKRAJINU-PRUSKÉ)